package com.LinkedIn.testScripts;
import org.apache.poi.openxml4j.exceptions.InvalidFormatException;
import org.openqa.selenium.interactions.Actions;
import org.testng.annotations.Test;
import com.LinkedIn.objectPage.BasePage;
import com.LinkedIn.objectPage.LoginPage;
import com.LinkedIn.utilLibrary.GenericUtilLibrary;
public class AtLoginValidBack extends SuperTestNG{
public void loginValidBackTest() throws InvalidFormatException, IOException, InterruptedException{
LoginPage lP = new LoginPage(driver); //create an instance of LoginPage
BasePage bP = new BasePage(driver); //create an instance of BasePage
String user = GenericUtilLibrary.getCellValue("./BrowserAndURL.xlsx", "Sheet1", 5, 1);
String pass = GenericUtilLibrary.getCellValue("./BrowserAndURL.xlsx", "Sheet1", 5, 2);
String exp = GenericUtilLibrary.getCellValue("./BrowserAndURL.xlsx", "Sheet1", 5, 3);
lP.login(user, pass);
Actions action = new Actions(driver);
Thread.sleep(3000); //wait for few second so that after pressing back previous page download properly then only we can get the title
String act = driver.getTitle();
bP.assertByTitle(exp, act);
import org.apache.poi.openxml4j.exceptions.InvalidFormatException;
import org.openqa.selenium.interactions.Actions;
import org.testng.annotations.Test;
import com.LinkedIn.objectPage.BasePage;
import com.LinkedIn.objectPage.LoginPage;
import com.LinkedIn.utilLibrary.GenericUtilLibrary;
public class AtLoginValidBack extends SuperTestNG{
public void loginValidBackTest() throws InvalidFormatException, IOException, InterruptedException{
LoginPage lP = new LoginPage(driver); //create an instance of LoginPage
BasePage bP = new BasePage(driver); //create an instance of BasePage
String user = GenericUtilLibrary.getCellValue("./BrowserAndURL.xlsx", "Sheet1", 5, 1);
String pass = GenericUtilLibrary.getCellValue("./BrowserAndURL.xlsx", "Sheet1", 5, 2);
String exp = GenericUtilLibrary.getCellValue("./BrowserAndURL.xlsx", "Sheet1", 5, 3);
lP.login(user, pass);
Actions action = new Actions(driver);
Thread.sleep(3000); //wait for few second so that after pressing back previous page download properly then only we can get the title
String act = driver.getTitle();
bP.assertByTitle(exp, act);
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