Monday, June 16, 2014

How to Generate XSLT report ?

Its a kind of user friendly report. XSLT stands for XML (Extensible Markup Language) Stylesheet Language for Transformations.  XSLT gives interactive (user friendly) reports with "Pie Chart".

Steps to generate XSLT Report-

1) 1st execute the test cases using ANT tool. Here are the steps to setup and execute the framework through ANT tool - click here

2) Download the XSLT. Please follow the below steps to download.

i) click on this button shown below.

ii) Then click on the download button.

3) After downloading, unzip the downloaded folder-

After unzipped, you will get,

4) Now from the above, copy lib and testng-results.xsl inside your project directory. Don't copy build.xml because you have created that already while doing ANT setup.
Here we are referring the same project which we have already done using POM- LinkedIN_Project_By_POM

5) After copying above files, add the jars files to your project through build path from the lib folder which you have copied in the above step.

6) Now we are ready to gen the XSLT report. As we have already executed our test cases through ANT so now,
i) open cmd and navigate to the project directory.

ii) Then just type ant generateReport and hit enter.

iii) Now a folder will be generated with the name testng-xslt

iv) Open this report in browser-

This is the xslt report-

Note- If you not able to see this kind of report in your eclipse then just copy the url path and open that url in mozilla, it will open in the above format.


  1. awesome sanjay.....gr8 explanation

  2. wonderful job's really helpfull for us..--thanks a lot

  3. Sanjay sir if we want to generate same xslt report using maven build tool then how will we do dat?

  4. Really great :-)
