Monday, April 22, 2019

AutonomIQ ChroPath 5.0 is live now!!

"Everything that can be automated, will be automated!!"

New Features in 5.0

1) Generate relative XPath with your attribute in a single click.
2) Automatically generate Automation code.
3) Generate selectors in bulk along with label name.
4) Coloured Relative XPath.
5) Get selector and editor both the options in single selector view.
6) Delete option in place of delete one by one and many more...

Monday, January 28, 2019

ChroPath 4.0 tutorial video.

New Features:

1) iframe support.
2) Introducing two more locators- linkText and partialLinkText.
3) Dynamic ID support. Option to generate XPath with id or without id.
4) Highlight 1st matching node in different colour.
5) Enable disable button in ChroPath tab.
6) UI changes for better experience and new look.

Saturday, January 26, 2019

ChroPath 4.0 is live now!!

Get ready...The Wait is Over!! And the dimensions of ChroPath have reached new boundaries. You can now explore the latest Chropath 4.0.

Sunday, December 23, 2018

ChroPath4.0 Beta Version live demo

New Features-
1) iframe Support*. 2) Introducing two more selectors, LinkText and PartialLinkText. 3) Dynamic id support. Generate xpath with id or without id. 4) On/Off button in ChroPath tab. 5) Highlight 1st matching node in different colour. 6) New UI with better experience and performance.

Current version- ChroPath for chrome - ChroPath for firefox- Beta version (This will launch soon in Chrome store)-

Friday, December 14, 2018

ChroPath 4.0 beta version is out now!!

ooo!!!! Get Ready...The wait is over now...ChroPath4.0 Beta version is out now and shared with ChroPath Community Design Team. Depending on everyone's feedback, it will be released soon on Chrome store.Please share your email id, if you want to test beta version. Thank you everyone for your support.
#chropath #bestxpathtool #autonomiq #selenium #xpath