Sunday, November 3, 2019

AutonomIQ ChroPath 6.0 Teaser

And here it is AutonomIQ ChroPath 6.0 teaser.
Changing the complete experience of playing with xpath and selectors.
Checkout the amazing features of upcoming 6.0 and see how it is going to make your life much more easier and automation script writing faster than ever. ✌🏻🤞🏻☺️
Join the revolution!!

Monday, September 30, 2019

AutonomIQ ChroPath 5.0 for #Firefox is launched now!!

Here is the great #news for all the #Firefox users, 

Now you need not to waste anymore time in switching between inspector and console tab while writing selectors in Firefox.

The very first solution for Firefox using which you can access the DOM and play with the selectors/xpath in same window is launched!! 

AutonomIQ ChroPath 5.0 for #Firefox is live now!!

Check it out now-

#innovation # #automationtesting #uideveloper #plugins #softwaretesting #developers #web #xpath #testing #xpathtool #testerslife #automationtool #devtools #testingtools #firefoxaddons

Monday, April 22, 2019

AutonomIQ ChroPath 5.0 is live now!!

"Everything that can be automated, will be automated!!"

New Features in 5.0

1) Generate relative XPath with your attribute in a single click.
2) Automatically generate Automation code.
3) Generate selectors in bulk along with label name.
4) Coloured Relative XPath.
5) Get selector and editor both the options in single selector view.
6) Delete option in place of delete one by one and many more...

Monday, January 28, 2019

ChroPath 4.0 tutorial video.

New Features:

1) iframe support.
2) Introducing two more locators- linkText and partialLinkText.
3) Dynamic ID support. Option to generate XPath with id or without id.
4) Highlight 1st matching node in different colour.
5) Enable disable button in ChroPath tab.
6) UI changes for better experience and new look.